【Attention】The location of the studio is not open to the public.

♦︎ We will inform you the details of  our location after booking.We have no walk-in service. Please do not come without booking.  You will never be able to find the places without our informations.  Thank you.

The location

♦︎Located near (1 min walk) Nishishinjuku-gochome station ( 西新宿五丁目站, No: E29 ) which is two stops from Shinjuku station ( 新宿站 ) on the Toei subway Oedo Line ( 地鉄  大江戸線 ).  If possible , you should avoid using at Shinjuku station for transfer to get the Oedo Line. Because Shinjuku station is too big and complicated.

♦︎Please make your book a couple of hours in advance before coming . We are not always in the room.

♦︎Easily walkable from the Hilton Tokyo, the Hyatt Regency Tokyo and Shinjuku Central Park. Home-visit service also available.

♦︎Room open 10am ~ 9pm

♦︎Please make a reservation on the day by 6:30pm.

♦︎ We will inform you the details of  our locations after booking.

Toei Subway Oedo Line (地鉄大江戸線) 、Nishi-shinjuku-gochome station E29

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